Fashion and Waste

Our Goal: to reduce waste from fast fashion and domestic purchases by encouraging people to reuse items through clothing swaps and upcycling. We are also organising talks from sustainable fashion experts and putting on a fashion show featuring thrifted and homemade items.

What's coming up?

2pm - 4pm January 25th at Fenton's Community Centre

Today's culture of fast fashion is having detrimental effects on the environment - come along to our inspiring talk to find out why and how you can engage with fashion without it costing the planet.

We are also hosting a clothes swap alongside this talk so please bring along some clothing items and you'll be able to swap them for something new! Please bring as many clean items of clothing, footwear and accessories as you are able, as swaps will be on a one-for-one basis.

Public documentation produced by this group can be found here.